The Christmas New Year holidays are over and the new stitching year has begun. All the groups are back and catching up with what has been happening and showing the new projects that they have started, and occasionally completed. Covid restrictions have made some members wary of returning but the Guild has a policy of ensuring all attendees are double vaccinated and the Gallery is well ventilated and large enough to enable us all to be well spaced, but close enough to enjoy each others company. The January break seems soo long and it is great to be back with friends and to be once again inspired to create and stitch. If you have questions about the Covid requirements contact the office during office hours.
The executive was busy during the break and we have new cupboards in the Gallery and the driveway has been resurfaced. Come and check it out. The Gift shop has been revitalised and the Certificate students have a display of their work done during the year with the Christmas challenge (stars) also on display.
You can still book for the Hedebo class in February and the 2 classes with Alison Cole in March. Start the year with one of these inspiring beautiful projects. There are other classes planned and they will be available on the web when the information is finalised.