
Membership is open to anyone who has an interest in any aspect of embroidery. There is no skill level requirement and all groups have a mix of experienced and novice stitchers.

Members receive our monthly newsletter, The Review, by email. The Review includes a diary of meetings and classes, as well as news from the City and Country Branches and articles of general interest to all embroiderers.

Members may attend as many Guild meetings and groups as they wish, with a small attendance fee payable for each session. The Guild owns and maintains the premises.

Membership Fees for 2023 / 2024

Membership is annual from 1st June

  • City Member: $85
  • Country Member: $59
  • JEMS 8 – 18 years: $68

New members, please add on $15.00 for administration fees. For further details about family memberships or pro-rata rates please contact the Guild’s office on 8234 1104 during office hours.

Membership Benefits

  • Reduced rates for workshops and classes
  • Access to an the extensive textile library of over 3,500 books. A great resource for new projects and research.
  • Access to Guild events including book and stash sales
  • Access to our accredited museum for study
  • Participation in member exhibitions
  • Access to all our stitching and special interest groups which meet in a house and gallery owned and run by stitchers.