This award was first awarded at the Members’ Exhibition of the Embroiderers’ Guild of South Australia in 2010.
It was established in September, 2008 in memory of our longstanding member and supporter, Peg Saddler, by her family. Peg was President of the Guild in 1976 – 78 and again in 1986 – 88 as well as contributing in many ways to the success of the Guild.
The award is to recognise embroidery of original design submitted for exhibition at the biennial exhibition. Selection of the winning embroidery is made by the President of the Guild, the Exhibition Convener or nominee and a member of the Saddler family.
The award is presented at the Opening Ceremony of the exhibition by the Guild’s patron.
Congratulations to Glenys Leske on being awarded the prestigious “Peg Saddler Award“ and to Arrienne Wynen, Mellissa Walker, and Sarah Johnson on their Highly Commended entries. As I said before, the quality of the work this year is particularly outstanding.
Kerry Sanders, President