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Snowflakes 1, 2 and 3 2 day workshop with Di Kirchner

These 3 Snowflake Mandala’s are stitched in the Italian Aemelia Ars style of embroidery. Aemelia Ars Embroidery is a beautiful form of needlelace embroidery which is not hard to learn. This class is designed for those new to Aemelia Ars and those who want to practice their skills.

The cost of the kit which includes the notes, the pattern, 5 threads, needles and 3 metal rings is $45.00

Registrations close September 25th


Day 1

Sat, 14 Oct 2023
9:45am - 3:30pm

Day 2

Sun, 15 Oct 2023
9:45 - 3:30


Members cost: $120
Guest stitchers cost: $140


Embroiderers’ House
16 Hughes Street
South Australia 5031

Book your seat14 seats remaining

Total cost of class required when booking online. Requirements and further information will be sent on receipt of payment.