Mount Gambier

The Mount Gambier Branch of the Embroiderers’ Guild of South Australia has been established for 50 years and has a current membership age range of 40 years up.  Our branch is open to all from beginner to experienced with members sharing their skills, knowledge and tips.

Workshops with skilled tutors intermittently held.

Branch meetings

The groups meet on the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month, from 10 am – 2.30 pm; February through to November each year at the Committee Rooms of the Mount Gambier Showgrounds.  An evening group, meeting in members’ homes, also gathers on the 2nd Wednesday of the month.

Contact information

President: Leonie Spehr

Ph: 0447 822 613

Secretary: Deb Patterson

Ph: 0409 024098




Committee Rooms
Mount Gambier Showgrounds
1 Pick Ave
Mount Gambier