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Chiku-Chiku with Carol Mullan

Chiku Chiku is a rough, random form of Sashiko embroidery.

Using running stitch, scraps of fabric are handstitched onto a backing fabric. All raw edges remain on the front surface.

You can make a small purse from the workshop sample (see photo), or, bring enough materials for a project of your choice. This is a good opportunity to have a clean out of odd leftover scraps from patch-work projects. Perhaps you could also swap fabrics with other members during the workshop!

This class is suitable for all levels of stitches.

Bookings close May 15th


Sun, 28 May 2023
9:45am - 3:30pm


Members cost: $60
Guest stitchers cost: $70


Embroiderers’ House
16 Hughes Street
South Australia 5031

Book your seat12 seats remaining

Total cost of class required when booking online. Requirements and further information will be sent on receipt of payment.