Barossa Valley

We currently have 32 members at our Barossa Branch and have 2 sessions (day and evening) on the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month.  The day session is from 10am-3pm and the evening is from 7pm – 10pm. The evening session caters for those working or unable to attend during the day and is a smaller group.

On the 4th Monday, after a short meeting, we have a branch member helping those who are working on ‘Basics to Beyond’ projects.

We hold various workshops throughout the year with guidance from branch members to teach new or revisit past techniques. Each year we try to have 2 classes with an outside tutor. Recently we had Anna Scott teach a Crewel Class and Maree Talbot teach a Needle Lace Class.

World Embroidery Day is celebrated each year on 30th July and our branch holds a display at a public venue to showcase some of our embroidery and encourage new members to join.

Alternate years we enjoy a Regional Conference with the Gawler and Riverland Branches with this years Conference held in Gawler. It’s a most enjoyable day of embroidery and friendship.

The Barossa Vintage Festival is celebrated every odd numbered year and our Branch has an exhibition during the festival week.  The exhibition in 2025 will be entitled ‘Seasons’ and will be a display presenting varied techniques and colour.

Embroidery can be for anyone who enjoys creating and learning while making friendships with like-minded people. All our members offer different levels of skill, and our Barossa Branch welcomes anyone who has experience as well as those who would love to learn.


Branch meetings

Our branch meets over 2 sessions (day and evening) on the 2nd and 4th Monday of the month. The day session is from 10 am – 3 pm and the evening is from 7 pm – 10 pm.

Contact information

April Winckel, President
0428 248 708

Mrs Wendy Koch, Secretary
0400 779457


St Petri Lutheran Complex
21 Second Street
Nuriootpa, SA

About our region

​The Barossa Valley is a renowned wine-producing region northeast of Adelaide, in South Australia. The area encompasses towns such as Tanunda, Angaston and Nuriootpa, and has a fantastic array of wineries, cafes and eateries renowned for the region.  The stone cottages architecture throughout the region are testament to origins of its German settlers.