The month of May is the time for the History Festival. Each year the History Trust of South Australia organises this festival and you can find events at many museums and other organisations. The Embroiderers’ Guild Museum has an exhibition featuring signature cloths in the museums collection.
Signature cloths reflect the history of our state & the dedication & commitment of South Australians to celebrate an event, raise funds or to create a family record. The three main reasons for the cloths are
• Supporting the war effort by raising money for cheer up huts and other organisations benefiting soldiers such as military hospitals and convalescent homes
• Raising money for charities and local facilities
• Celebrating family and community
The Embroidered Signatures Project undertaken by the Guild’s Museum documents over 150 textiles bearing in excess of 37,000 names. Search our Embroidered Signatures Project (ESP) by clicking on the “Visit the Guild Museum” button on the top right of the website. This will take you to the Museum website where you can view images of all the signature textiles or just the textiles on display for the month of May. All the cloths have a history and you can search by names, region or collection. You may find a relative amongst the many names recorded.
Also in the Gallery on display is some work from the Sampler group and from the Archives textiles from some of our longer serving members on the theme of Inside Looking Out. These will be on display until the end of June.
Come and see the textiles on display throughout the Guild, and while there check out the classes and groups. There is sure to be something to inspire your stitching journey.